Working From Homeby Rick Williams
I've been working here for monthsfrom this "office" in my home,and in-between my daily taskscobbled together this poem.
I get to sit here all day longand do my work while nude!All my needs are close at handlike bathroom, drink, and food.
My wife will sometimes wander through;sometimes naked--sometimes not,or if she's already here and dressedmight strip from flashes, hot.
We have online meetings all the timebut naked doesn't show.Our laptops haven't webcams,so no one's in the know.
Coworkers know that we embracethe lifestyle of the bare.Hell, I wear t-shirts all the timethat tout nudity without a care.
They like to joke from time to timeabout my lack of clothes.When topics arise that they can usehell, anything funny goes.
There's talk that this scenariomight be the way things stay.No longer will I drive to work;I'll stay clear of the commuting fray!