Sunday, October 21, 2012


By Rick Williams

Two decades of my life passed by
before I ever saw a firefly.

Because there are none where I live
I'd never seen one, please forgive.

That day the light was fading fast
the dirt road dim from shadows cast.

Then I walked out of the trees
and what I saw then made me freeze.

I was mesmerized at what I eyed
before me in a meadow, wide.

For in that open field out there
were a million blinking lights, midair.

I know that I was struck with awe
dumb with wonder at what I saw.

For I stood, transfixed, and stared in shock
and found myself afraid to walk.

I stared in wonder at the flashing show
that blinked a yellowish-greenish glow.

I never will forget that night
I saw that show of insect light.

What really made that it second to none
was before that night I'd never seen one.

Thirty years have passed since then
and I'm sure I'll never see again.

To never see, then see so many
is like someone said, "you've seen plenty."

"No more for you, you've seen the best.
Go write a poem if you were impressed."

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