Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Warren is Retiring

By Rick Williams

There once was a planner named Warren;
who decided it was time to be scorin'
a job, in his eyes,
that was quite otherwise;
so decided to go get himself swore-in.

He liked his new job as a screener
(though there were days that the grass could be greener).
He enjoyed talking to folks,
funny memes and good jokes,
and dancing around customers' demeanor.

His work area was a fun place to stop.
It was like a gourmet candy shoppe!
he had fancy snacks
in Costco-sized packs;
(even though some of them tasted like props)

You hardly ever saw Warren get riled.
His dimeanor: quite mellow and mild.
He's the kind of a man
that could fall in a trash can;
and would probably still have a smile.

Warren, you're going to be missed
(though your tie-dye will likely persist).
Have a great life my friend
now your whole life's a weekend!
Just don't snub the honey-do list!

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