Sunday, November 4, 2012

Stop Saving My Time!

by Rick Williams

We're all done saving daylight;
it's time to stop our hoarding.
Why does this thing still happen?
There's no one that's supporting.

This stupid act of juggling clocks:
It needs to go away.
Twice a year we have to face
adjustments in our day.

I really don't know anyone
that likes the stupid act.
We move clocks ahead each spring
then in the fall: retract.

It's not like there's a benefit
to saving up an hour.
It's not like we can save it
like some kind of magic power.

I know I didn't have a single bit
of extra daylight stored.
I guess a better savings plan
needs to be explored.

Seriously, there's not that much
than citizens can do.
We have to follow stupid rules
'cause that's what people do.

So if you're late or early to
wherever you were going
just tell them, "Hey, it's not my fault...
the rooster wasn't crowing."

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