I was sitting here one cold, fall day
when I heard a thumping sound.
I couldn't tell from where it came
and I turned my head around.
I looked out the window for a sign
to explain the sound to me.
I looked around for anything
without knowing what I'd see.
I really had no clue of what
the bumps and rustling were.
I tried my best to figure it out
but they'd only randomly occur.
I thought it was the neighbor
'cause he'd sometimes bang and thump,
but this time there was no one home
to make any kind of bump.
Then I heard it one more time
when I was in my chair,
and something outside caught my eye
at the top of the window there.
On a railing below the eaves
above, where I could see;
a brightly-colored Flicker sat
and was looking back at me.
I wonder if he was angry
at what we did this year
when we cut his favorite lilac down?
He probably held it dear.
The Flicker's always loved that tree.
Perhaps it tasted good?
They covered it with little holes;
always pecking against the wood.
We finally had to cut it down
because it started failing.
The parts of it were hanging out
over driveway, cars and railing.
Maybe he was mad enough
that he tried to bore a hole
into the outside of our house.
Maybe spite was his main goal.
Well, all I can say is "Sorry, man...
we hated to cut your tree.
Now come back and have some suet.
I hang it just for you, you see."
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